Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Mai Otome

Otome - one bestowed with great power. An otome is a female warrior that is bestowed with great power. In oreder to becaome an otome, you must attend and graduate from Gaurderobe academy. This is quite difficult becaue each year 50 girls are accepted and less than 25 graduate to become Meisters or Master Otome. Arika Yumemiya is one of these students she is a coral, or first year student. Once a student graduates to become a meister otome, they are hand picked by high ranking officials to be their bodygaurds and to proctect their nations, since there are no armies. Once an otome becomes locked in battle, they must continue to death, unless otherwise ordered.

Being an otome comes with great sacrifice. You are not allowed to ever engage in activities with men. If that were to happen, you lose your certification due ton the fact that the nanomachines inside the otome bodies would be destroyed and they would build an antigen against the nanomachines. You are also bound to your master by contract. Meaning that only your master can activate your robe and you are not to ever disobey them. Your bodies are also linked. Whatever each one of them feels, the other will feel as well. If you die, you otome dies, and vise versa.

An exception to this are the 5 pillars. Each of them are not bound by contract to a master, but are still vulnerable to losing their certification.The 5 pillars take on special missions, make appearances, and watch over the school. They also are in charge of sll the other otome's and can initiate and uninitiate the contract of any otome at will.

In this series, you will join Arika in her quest to become an otome like her mother. Along with the way, some outside forces hinder her training as well as her progress in becoming a meister. Her rival, Nina Wong, wants nothing more than her destruction due to the love that they share for the same person as well the jealousy of her true identity. Find out what no one knew in this 26 part series. It will keep you on you toes.

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